The world of Desuvis has one supercontinent comprised of six countries. Edrien (jungle biome, Ocher and Sether (grasslands biome), Autoria and Gusken (hills biome), and Keplia (arctic tundra biome).

The world is inherently magical and operates on a system of mana recycling. Waste energy from cast spells filters through the soil and back into the core of the world to be reinfused with magic that can be used by the inhabitants of Desuvis.

All intelligent creatures born in Desuvis are capable of casting spells, and even children often have grimoires. Fire Bolt and Mending are the first spells taught in most cultures, and as such, anyone can cast them.

*Map created in Inkarnate

Gusken is a country in the southwest corner of the supercontinent. The biome for this country is Hills. The capital city is Cololly, and it is in this city that our story will begin.

The country is led by the Conclave of Seven and they lead with a merit-based communalism style of government. They prefer to settle policies and disputes by engaging in long debates and discussions until a consensus can be reached.

Other cities include (in order of size): Angelborough (NW), Charlet (SE), and Varic (SW).

There are two main agencies within Gusken:

N.E.W.S. - News and Editorials With Style: This organization is a collaboration between government-sponsored scribes and performers who spread news and important notices through song, poetry, or acting.

H.A.L.O. - Healing Association of Loving Operations: This organization is comprised of a cloister of clerics who run a government-sponsored hospital for the injured and ill.

*Map created in Inkarnate

The city of Cololly is where our story begins.

Because harsh sandstorms continuously assaulted the original settlers of Cololly from the north, the city was built into a triangle shape with high walls to cut through and divert the worst of the storms from the city proper. The Conclave of Seven resides at the northernmost point of the city to symbolize being a shield for their people.

The marketplace shops are on the western side of the city, while residential areas are on the eastern side. Cololly boasts shops to fulfill any need, as well as taverns and inns to fit any budget.

In the center of the city is Cololly University with its accompanying stadium and library, which are all led by Headmaster Bartimus Barley. The construction has just concluded at the beginning of this campaign, and enrollment is open for all citizens (though Bartimus cares more about a passion for learning than a student’s citizenship or income).

The city also contains an Adventurer’s Guild, Mage’s Guild, and a chapter of The Order of the Black Rose.

Along the eastern wall of Cololly sits a refugee camp without the protection of the walls. Led by Ashura Tendi, these refugees have fled the civil war to the east and seek shelter within Cololly’s walls. This has become a matter of contention for the Conclave, as they claim to have neither the space nor the resources to care for them. Citizen organizations and some merchants and guild leaders have taken to sharing what they can spare, though it usually isn’t enough to keep them properly fed.

To the south are Cololly’s farmlands which sit between the city and Garda Lake. To the northwest are the mines and refineries that sustain Cololly’s ore and gem exports.

*Map created in Inkarnate

Autoria sits to the north of Gusken and the south of Keplia. The biome for this country is Hills. The capital city is Vinfort, and the government is led by the aristocracy.

The goal of Autoria’s leadership is to create the greatest collection of knowledge in the realm.

Other cities include (in order of size): Vassis, Narlun, Gressy, Quickfell, Stoneacre, and Honeyhold.

There are three main agencies within Autoria:

U.N.D.Y. - Urban Nature Dehydration Yeeters: This organization is comprised of a small collective of urban druids tasked with maintaining and acquiring water sources.

L.I.T. - Legion of Indominable Tenacity: This organization is comprised of a cadre of knights who ride young metallic dragons in battle to defend the nation.

W.A.L.K. - Warriors Assisting the Luminous and Kingly: This organization is comprised of an elite group of warriors who are responsible for transporting important dignitaries and valuables around the nation

*Map created in Inkarnate

Edrien is the largest and easternmost country of Desuvis. The biome for this country is Jungle. The capital city is Virtos and the government is led by the most capable mage as an authoritarian nation.

The goals of Edrien’s leadership are unknown.

Other cities include (in order of size): Cativa, Tebria, Narona, Sadis, Tajara, Zargos, Naros, Salona, Nalencia, and Sallala.

There are three main agencies within Edrien:

M.O.V.E - Mobile Offensive Value Exchange: This organization is a collection of mercenaries and warriors employed by the government to guard caravans and merchants.

W.A.M.S. - Wellness and Mental Support: This organization is comprised of a group of bards and clerics tasked with monitoring and bolstering city morale.

B.I.L.T. - Builders and Inventors Laboriously Tinkering: This organization is comprised of an engineering corp of inventors and machinists responsible for construction and civic improvement.

*Map created in Inkarnate

Sether sits to the south of Ocher and between Gusken (west) and Edrien (east). The biome for this country is Grasslands. The capital city is Tempestus and the government is led by their highest-ranking general as a dictatorship.

The goal of Sether’s leadership is to amass as much power as possible with the stated purpose of using it wisely and carefully.

Other cities include (in order of size): Miller’s Run and Mournstead.

There is one main agency within Sether:

T.I.T.A - The Intracity Teleportation Authority: This organization is a government-sponsored guild of sorcerers and wizards who conduct trade by way of teleportation magic.

Sether is currently at war with their northern neighbor, Ocher.

*Map created in Inkarnate

Ocher sits to the north of Sether, east of Autoria, south of Keplia, and west of Gusken. The biome for this country is Grasslands. The capital city is Volance and the government is led as a theocracy by the Council of Nine.

The goal of Ocher’s leadership is to bring their god, Rossette, to the material plane.

Ocher only has one other city, New Tempestus.

There is one main agency within Ocher:

R.E.B.A. - Recovery Experts and Bounty Assistance: This organization is comprised of a group of government-sponsored mercenaries who specialize in hunting bounties and recovering stolen goods.

Ocher is currently at war with their southern neighbor, Sether.

*Map created in Inkarnate

Keplia is the northernmost country of Desuvis and sits above all others across the top of the continent. The biome for this country is Arctic Tundra. The capital city is Moonrest and the country is led by the eldest shaman as a tribal nation.

The goal of Keplia’s leadership is to maintain their way of life and traditions.

Keplia has only one other city, Glissdale.

Very little is known about Keplia, aside from their harsh and unwelcoming climate. There are rumors of great wonders within the borders, though how true these tales are is up for debate.

To the best of anyone’s knowledge, Keplia does not have any agencies and they do not welcome visitors. Their culture, religion, and general way of life are only speculation, as the leaders have yet to come forward to allow a dialogue with their neighbors.

*Map created in Inkarnate